(Quietude Jubilee Kingdom x Quietude Madrid)



"The Lambert Morgans are an ideal dressage horse for the juvenile or amateur rider. They have powerful rear ends with exceptional movement. They are a big horse in a little package and to me are the perfect horse for the rider who wants a Warm blood type but really needs something smaller and more practical. I can't say enough for the minds of these horses. They are extremely kind and intelligent. They have great rideability and sensitivity to the aids. These are adaptable horses that have great work ethic and want to perform their best. With such great attitudes, they are just as happy looking through the bridle down the centerline in competition as they would enjoying a sunny afternoon on the trail with their rider. These are great all around horses and ponies with lots to offer."-- Cira Guinti VA~~ DRESSAGE TRAINER & RIDER

The Lambert Morgans are born with a natural frame & way of moving that makes them well suited for Dressage. These Lamberts have an inborn athletic ability, from the time they were born

"The Lambert Morgans are an ideal dressage horse for the juvenile or amateur rider. They have powerful rear ends with exceptional movement. They are a big horse in a little package and to me are the perfect horse for the rider who wants a Warm blood type but really needs something smaller and more practical. I can't say enough for the minds of these horses. They are extremely kind and intelligent. They have great rideability and sensitivity to the aids. These are adaptable horses that have great work ethic and want to perform their best. With such great attitudes, they are just as happy looking through the bridle down the centerline in competition as they would enjoying a sunny afternoon on the trail with their rider. These are great all around horses and ponies with lots to offer."-- Cira Guinti VA

QUIETUDE MOONBEAM (Quietude Barcelona x Critique of Quietude)

Today, Cira took Beamer to the Eagle Point Horse Show in Gloucester, VA. She took him as a "tag-along," not intending to show him, just her Warmbloods and some of her student's horses, so I didn't even bother to go. When she took the Beamer off the van, people came up to her and asked her what he was, who he was, etc. People would not believe he was a Morgan...these hunter people were impressed, and they are not easy to impress. So on a lark, she decided to enter him in the Green Pleasure Division, against real true Virginia hunt-country hunters, and let one of her adult students ride him. He won all three classes and was Grand Champion in his division (Green Pleasure.) He was probably the shortest horse in the big classes with the big horses, but the student said his beauty and movement make him so unique that the judges do not seem to care.
  There has been a thread going on another Morgan chat group about how the Hunter Pleasure Morgans that win at the Morgan Shows should never be expected to be competitive against real hunters showing in pleasure classes in open shows. I guess this proves that SOME Morgans CAN compete successfully against TBs and WBs both in FEI Dressage shows and in hunt-country Hunter shows. The TBs and the WBs usually cannot cross-compete like this (dressage and hunter pleasure), but I guess the Lambert Morgan is the rare horse who can stand with a foot in both worlds. - Clare

I have been riding Beamer (Quietude Moonbeam), and I help school him too! He is a BLAST. These days, Moonbeam has the biggest, softest brown eyes, just like a deer. And he is so good with me, even though he himself is still green. He is like riding a Warmblood when he trots, though. He has that power that makes you go really fast, yet he is not rushing at all. He just has a naturally big stride. He is super sensitive and light, you only have to move your leg or shift your weight or quiver your wrists and he will respond. His mouth is now very light. Cira told me, "If you put your leg on this horse you'd better mean it, because he is going to go forward and give you everything you ask." Super tuned in...but very calm and happy.
Oh, and he has a hydraulic back. I got on him, put my feet in the stirrups, walked off, and his back came up under the saddle, almost like he was going to buck. But he just stays that way the whole time...I guess that is bascule as viewed from the saddle. It is a strange sensation. Not a bad one...just different. He is like a coiled spring that kind of lets loose a bit as he goes forward.
She put yet another, younger student on him last week and started him jumping. Apparently, he likes to jump. He has been out on the trails once with Cira and she said he kept making that snort sound they make when they are smelling the air, but he never once spooked or reacted. I guess he views the world differently these days. She said I can ride him after she has had him out a couple of times, and until then I can follow along on one of guessed it...17 hand WBs. My feet hurt just thinking about that dismount.
We went out to see the Beamer and Pecos at the stables, and there goes spacey, skinny little Vickirose with her coat open like wings, running hell-bent towards Pecos, singing "Jingle Bells Batman Smells" at the top of her lungs. At first, he was a little startled, but then when he saw it was her, he RAN over to her (scared me to death) stopped on a dime, smelled her hair, gave Beamer the "flat ear" to keep him away from Vickirose, and then proceeded to try to eat the zipper on her coat. That got him harsh language and a bonk on the nose from Miss Vicki. Not that he cared. He loves Vickirose.
I did see Cira work Pecos last week in side reins in the round pen. Wow. He has virtually the same floating movement as Beamer, but he is super confident, very powerful, and very baroque looking. He just takes everything in stride. Cira gets after him when he is disobedient, but once he figures out what you want, and that it is in his best interest to cooperate, he has it down. When I look at Pecos I think about that silly little foal that ran around after Vickirose like a dog and wonder where it went...until he eats the Christmas ribbon off his stall or makes the barn manager spend half an hour trying to catch him and then that rascally disposition surfaces again. Cira said he will be like riding a rocket that is in free-burn. I better get my muscles in tone for him. Clare